How do you think most Americans answer the following: Since the 1950s, do you think American culture and way of life has mostly changed for the better, or has it mostly changed for the worse?
Explain your answer to the following: Since the 1950s, do you think American culture and way of life has mostly changed for the better, or has it mostly changed for the worse?
Why do you think non-Christians and White Evangelical Protestants have such different answers to this question?
Is the information in this chart good news or bad?
How do you think your background (race, religion, immigration status) affects your answer to this question?
How do you think the answer to this question affected how individuals voted in the 2016 election?
And how will that affect policies under the current Trump administration?
Ask the following question to ten people and record their answer. Since the 1950s, do you think American culture and way of life has mostly changed for the better, or has it mostly changed for the worse?
Note the race and religious affiliation of each respondent and then share the information with the class.