Faith On The Hill With The 115th Congress

US Government and Politics

What percent of the 115th Congress identifies as Christian?

Pew Research Center

US Government and Politics

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this information?

  3. How does the percent of Christians in Congress compare to the percent of Christians in the US?

  4. What do you think explains that difference?

  5. What is a consequence of that difference?

  6. What is one policy that someone who identifies as a Christian would probably support that someone who identifies as non-religious would probably not support?

  7. Which religious group is the most over represented in Congress?

  8. Why do you think that is?

  9. Explain which party you think is more likely to have representatives who are Christian.

  10. What religious or non-religious group is the most underrepresented in Congress?

  11. Why do you think that is?

  12. There are three Buddhists in Congress. What?

  13. What is one question you have about this data?

  14. Explain what type of districts and states you imagine the non-Christian members of Congress are most likely to be from:

  15. Explain what year you imagine we will elect our first openly non-Christian president:

  16. What would be one specific difference in US policy if non-religious Americans were over represented in Congress?

  17. Is this all good news?

  18. Explain the mechanics of how our political system tends to reward Christians more highly than any other group in government:

  19. How do you think the percent of Congress who identify themselves as Christian has changed over the past half century?*

  20. How do you predict it will change over the next half century?*

*Bonus Chart for Questions 18-19 below:

Learning Extension

Read the entire Pew Report on the religious demographics of the 115th Congress.

Action Extension

Contact or research your U.S. House of Representatives Member or one of your U.S. Senators to find out what their faith is (or isn't) and how that influences their voting and policy choices. Share your research with class or on social media.

Bonus Bonus Charts!




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