Social Studies Lab

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Does Your Religion Like to Party?

AP US Government and Politics

In 2016, what religious affiliation was the most Republican and what was the most Democratic?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this data?

  3. What is the big story here?

  4. If you had to make a generalization about religion and Republican voters what would it be?

  5. If you had to make a generalization about religion and Democratic voters what would it be?

  6. Many pundits say that America is a very divided country. What does this data say about that?

  7. Why do you think White evangelicals like Republicans so much?

  8. Why do you think religiously unaffiliated voters like Democrats so much?

  9. What does this data say about race in America?

  10. Donald Trump has been married 3 times and has never been an outwardly religious person. In fact this year, campaigning at Liberty University, he incorrectly referred to Second Corinthians as, "Two Corinthians". If you don't know why that's funny, ask your teacher. Why do you think White Evangelicals were so supportive of Donald Trump in the 2016 election?

  11. What was the biggest change in party affiliation for any group from 2006 to 2016?

  12. What exactly does religiously unaffiliated mean?

  13. How do you think these different religious groups compare by age?*

  14. If you were a Republican strategist, what about this data would make you happy and what would make you worried?

  15. If you were a Democratic strategist, what about this data would make you happy and what would make you worried?

*Bonus Chart

Learning Extension

Read the entire story at

Action Extension

Survey at least ten people. find out their religious affiliation (or lack thereof) and their political party leaning (between Donald J. Trump v Hillary R. Clinton). Share your findings in class or online.