Democracy Around the World
AP Government and Politics
In a Pew survey of 38 countries* (see list below), of the following ways of governing a country, which is the most popular: Representative Democracy, Direct Democracy, Rule by Experts, Rule by a Strong Leader, Rule by the Military?
How accurate was your prediction?
What is most surprising in this data?
What is the big story this chart tells?
Why do you think that is?
What is one political consequence of this data?
Is this good news?
If we had the data from 1937 (80 years ago, and on the eve of WWII) how do you imagine that data would compare to today's?
How different do you think this data is going to be in 10 years?
What percent of statistics are made up on the spot?
Which of those five types of government would you say is more like the current government of the United States?
Imagine the earth was under attack by Martians (I know they don't exist, bear with me). Explain whether you think that would make earth-people more or less democratic.
American Democrats and Republicans don't always see eye to eye. However, if the typical American Democrat and the typical American Republican took this survey, how much do you believe their answers would differ?
Explain the circumstance in which you believe that democracy is not the best form of government:
Since the rule of POTUS Trump, would you say the US has become more or less democratic (with a small d)?
This data is taken from citizens from different countries, of which some are democratic (Japan), somewhat democratic (Turkey) and non-democratic (Russia). How would the data differ if you only surveyed citizens of democratic countries?**
How would the data differ if you only surveyed citizens of non-democratic countries?**
How would the data differ if you only surveyed American citizens?
How do you think education level impacts the survey data?**
How do you imagine political ideology (left v right) impacts the survey data?**
Explain whether you think that most people living in a non-democratic country are yearning to be free (in other words, do they secretly want to live in a democratic country)?
Are you having a nice day?
If you were in charge, would you allow every single person in the world who wanted to live in a democratic country to move to America?
Imagine a democratic country elected non-experts (I know, it's hard to imagine!!!!) who ran their government very poorly, and then let's imagine a second country that was undemocratic, but ruled by experts who ran a very efficient and good government. Explain which of the two countries you would prefer to live in:
Rank the 38 countries* from the chart below from most to least democratic. Which three would be at the top of the list (most democratic), which three would be at the bottom of the list, and where exactly would the U.S. under our current POTUS rank?
You know, you should thank your teacher for giving you this cool class starter right now. They could be giving you a quiz or a test or a 5 paragraph essay or something like that but instead they are giving you this awesome information. So hey, why don't ya show them some love!