Presidential Nominees

AP US Government and Politics

After 6 months in office, President Barack Obama had sent 369 nominations to the US Senate, and George W. Bush had nominated 315. At the same point in his presidency, how many nominations had Donald Trump made?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. How does Trump's nomination rate compare to Obama's?

  3. Why do you think that is?

  4. What is one consequence of this?

  5. Of those nominations that Trump has actually made, about what percent have been confirmed by the US Senate?

  6. How does Trump's confirmation rate compare to Obama's?

  7. Why do you think that is?

  8. What is one consequence of so few positions being filled in the US government?

  9. Is this good news or bad news?

  10. What are some examples of the kinds of positions presidents nominate?

  11. Of all of the types of positions of presidential nominations, explain which you believe has the greatest impact:

  12. How does it benefit presidents to fill  positions in government?

  13. Who are some people who help the president decide on nominations?

  14. Why did the Framers set up a system where the Senate has to approve presidential nominations?

  15. Do you believe the Senate should be allowed to say no to a presidential nomination?

Learning Extension

Check out this list of all the Trump nominations for his presidential cabinet and read this fascinating Politico article about some Trump nominees who showed up for work before receiving Senate approval!!!

Action Extension

Contact the Trump White House and share your opinion about his nomination record.

Cute Animal Extension

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Women in the Senate


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