What percent of Americans believe it is “essential” to live in a democracy?

Critical Analysis

  1. Based on the data from the visual above, what percentage of Americans born in the 1980s (that makes them around 40 years old) say that it is "essential to live in a democracy"?

  2. Based on the data from the visual above, describe the overall trend in support for democracy around the world.

  3. Based on the data from the visual above, describe the overall trend in support for democracy in the United States.

  4. Identify two reasons for the decrease in support for democracy in the United States.

  5. Describe two political consequences of the decrease in support for democracy in the United States.

  6. If the trends in this chart continue, estimate the support for democracy in the United States for Generation Z (people like you, born in the first decade of the century).

  7. Explain the connection between the decrease in support for democracy, and rise of Donald Trump and the January 6th riots.

  8. Should a person who does not think it is "essential to live in a democracy" vote?

  9. Why do you think there is such a big difference between young people (your generation) and older people (my generation) regarding support of democracy?

  10. All the countries listed in the chart are democracies. People who live in authoritarian countries like Belarus, Russia, or China were obviously not surveyed about their opinions on democracy. If they were asked and replied honestly, what do you imagine they would say about democracy?

Learning Extension

Check out this great article from Quartz and the bonus charts below* about why young people (that's you) don't love democracy!!!! And listen to this interview with Yascha Mounk on American democracy.

Action Extension

If you like democracy register to vote and then vote. If you aren’t old enough to vote then get someone who is old enough to vote to register then get them to the polls. If you dislike democracy then don’t vote.

Visual Extension

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