Not All Hurricanes are Created Equal

Which hurricane received the least coverage in the top U.S. online news outlets: Harvey, Irma, Maria?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this data?

  3. What is the big story here?

  4. What the the reason for this?

  5. What is one consequence of this?

  6. Is Puerto Rico part of the United States?

  7. Are people born in Puerto Rico American citizens?

  8. Which of the three storms, Harvey, Irma, and Maria killed the most Americans?

  9. Based on this data, what is one conclusion you can draw about the U.S. media?

  10. How do you think coverage of these storms compared across platforms (e.g., television versus online)?*

  11. How do you think international coverage compared to U.S. coverage of these storms?*

  12. Why do you think that Donald Trump has not yet traveled to Puerto Rico?

  13. How many voting members of congress does Puerto Rico have?

  14. How many electoral votes does Puerto Rico have?

  15. Last Sunday alone, after President Trump’s tweets about the NFL, the phrase “national anthem” was said in more sentences on TV news than “Puerto Rico” and “Hurricane Maria” combined. Why do you think that is?

  16. In the comments section below, explain why you think there was such a difference in U.S. coverage of these three storms:

Learning Extension

Read the article about varying news coverage across disasters.

Action Extension

Do something to help the victims of any of these storms. Here's some useful links.

Oxfam, an international nonprofit, is focusing its relief efforts on the Caribbean islands that Irma devastated.

Islamic Relief USA is deploying an emergency response and relief team to the Houston area. Though the call for volunteers is at capacity, you can donate funds here.

GlobalGiving, a charity crowdfunding site, is aiming to raise $5 million for local relief and recovery efforts in areas impacted by Harvey.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy, based in Washington, DC, is providing immediate relief to hurricane survivors, offering temporary shelter, food, and water. It will also work to assist with long-term efforts (like rebuilding homes, businesses, and infrastructure), support those with mental health needs, and boost damaged agricultural sectors.

Samaritan's Purse, an international relief organization based in North Carolina, is partnering with local nonprofits and churches in Texas and Florida. Currently, it has nine response bases to aid Harvey and Irma victims, and is asking for monetary donations.

All Hands Volunteers is sending an immediate response team to the US Virgin Islands. 

Convoy of Hope, a poverty-focused group, is sending meals to Haiti.

Americares, a national health nonprofit, is issuing emergency medical supplies and other basic resources to first responders and victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The South Florida Wildlife Center and the Brigid’s Crossing Foundation are rescuing and rehabilitating animals imperiled by Irma.

Bonus Charts*

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