Ay Ay Ay Ay Phone

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, after the iPhone was first released in 2007 what happened to the percentage of 12th graders who drive?

  2. Do you have more friends without a license or without a smart phone?

  3. Identify one trend you see in the data from the chart above.

  4. Clearly, the iPhone and other smart phones have had a big impact on driving. You can also see other ways it has impacted your generation in the data below.* Explain what impact you think this technology has had on U.S. politics:

  5. Smartphone technology has also disrupted other aspects of social life for young people. Describe other changes this technology has brought to your generation:

  6. What exactly are kids doing on their smartphones that is more compelling than driving around?

  7. The day I turned 16 was the day I got my license. Everyone I knew got their license as soon as possible and almost all of us (we were quite privileged) had cars. Obviously, these cars had a tremendous impact on where and how we lived: suburbs boomed, mobility increased, our country fought wars to insure control of the oil we sucked from the ground. How is the rise of the smartphone most impacting your generation?

  8. Is there any other technology that has as profoundly shaped your generation as the smartphone?

  9. Overall, is this chart good news?

  10. What do you think this chart will look like in 20 years?

Learning Extension

Read this endlessly fascinating Atlantic Magazine article about you and your screen-addicted generation!

Action Extension

Tell your iPhone, "Siri, destroy yourself! And see what happens. Also, go 14 hours without your smart phone (I bet you can't do it!) and reflect on how this data drout impacted your life. Share your reaciton in class or online in the comment section below.

Sad Visual Extension*

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This is Not My Beautiful House


How religious is America?