Revolving Door

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Critical Analysis

  1. According to the infographic above, on average, how much of a pay raise do politicians get when they become lobbyists?

  2. According to the infographic above, on average, what portion of Senators become lobbyists after they leave Congress?

  3. What do lobbyists do, anyway?

  4. As of 11/13 the 2022 elections had claimed at least two dozen House incumbents, though more of them fell in primaries than in the general election. So far, no Senate incumbents have lost reelection - the first time that no Senate incumbent has lost a general election since 1914. If the numbers in the chart above hold true for this election, how many soon-to-be ex House members will become lobbyists?

  5. Why do you think politicians get such a raise to become lobbyists?

  6. Why do you think more members of the Senate than members of the House of Representatives become lobbyists?

  7. When politicians become lobbyists we call this the revolving door. Why do you think the U.S. Congress does NOT make a law outlawing politicians becoming lobbyists?

  8. Make a claim about the revolving door between politicians and lobbyists and its impact on democracy - support it with one piece of evidence.

  9. Elizabeth Warren, Senator of Massachusetts, has proposed legislation that would ban politicians from becoming lobbyists for life. Could they be lobbyists after life? Would you support Warren’s proposal?

  10. What do you think the following would think about Senator Warren’s proposal?

  • Senators

  • Lobbyists

  • Political Parties

  • Interest Groups

  • Politicians from either major party

  • Joe Biden

  • House Members

  • Elon Musk

  • Liberals

  • Conservatives

Learning Extension

Browse this list from Open Secrets of all the former politicians who are now lobbyists! And read this VOX article: I was a lobbyist for more than 6 years. I quit. My conscience couldn’t take it anymore.

Action Extension

Contact your member of congress and ask them whether they would pledge to not become a lobbyist after they leave Congress.

Visual Extension


Political Cartoon Extension

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