Trump for Congress - Midterm Elections
How much will voters be thinking about Trump as they vote in the midterm elections?
*Pro Tip: President Trump is not actually on the ballot.
How accurate was your prediction?
How much of a factor is Trump going to be in the midterm elections?
Explain why that is:
What are two consequences of this?
Is this going to be good news for Republicans?
As you personally think about the midterm (whether you can vote yet or not), how much does Trump figure into your thinking about the election?
How do you think party affiliation impacts whether the Trump effect will be positive or negative?*
How much do you think opinion about the recent Trump tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, and the ballooning federal deficit will impact the midterm elections?*
After the election, who do you think will control the House? After the election, who do you think will control the Senate? And explain why House and the Senate races don’t always play out the same way?
It’s long been said that “all politics are local,” but many candidates from both parties are making this election national - either running to or away from Trump. Why do you think that is?
If you were a Republican running for the House in a closely contested race (only about 10 percent of all races) explain whether you would invite Trump to campaign with you right now.
Right now Republicans control the presidency and both houses of Congress. Let’s imagine that the Democrats win the House in the midterm election, leading to Divided Government. List three ways that will impact President Trump?