Easy Voting 2022

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the visual above. As of 2021, what portion of Americans agree with the following statement: "Everything possible should be done to make voting easier."

  2. According to the data from the visual above. As of 2021, what portion of Americans agree with the following statement: "Citizens should have to prove they really want to vote by registering ahead of time.”

  3. Based on the visual above, describe the impact of party affiliation on attitudes about the ease of voting in the United States.

  4. Partisan views towards the ease of voting changed between 2021 (visual above) and 2017 (visual below)*" Why do you think these attitudes have changed?

  5. How do you predict the conflicting views about voting will impact the legitimacy of the 2022 midterm election and the likelihood for people to accept results with which they may not agree?

  6. If we surrounded all voting locations with a moat filled with hungry crocodiles, forced all aspiring voters to undertake an ordeal by cold water, and imposed a $758 fee (payable only by Dogecoin) to access the voting booth, then citizens would really have to prove they wanted to vote.” What does the Constitution say about the rules for voting?

  7. Article I, section 4 of the Constitution states that, β€œThe Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.” The Constitution later gives the right to vote to various groups such as African-Americans (XV Amendment), Women (XIX Amendment), and 18 year olds (XXVI Amendment). And then congress has passed laws such as the Voting Rights Act (1965) to ensure those rights were not abridged. Could Congress pass a law to make voting easier and voter registration automatic?

  8. Explain whether you personally agree with the following statement: "Everything possible should be done to make voting easier."

  9. 92% of Americans say that freedom of speech is essential to assuring our freedom. (see visual below*) 91% of Americans believe that the right to vote is essential to assuring our freedom.* We don't make citizens prove that they really want freedom of speech or religion. Why shouldn't we make voting as easy as possible?

  10. What does federalism have to do with voting in America?

Visual Extension*

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AP US Government and Politics

AP US Government and Politics

Learning Extension

Learn more about the results of the 2021 Pew Research Center Survey.

Action Extension

Read about Automatic Registration Voting and whether your state has adopted it yet. Contact your STATE LEGISLATORS and tell them what you think they should do about automatic registration. Share your results in class or online.




Out in Congress