Ideologee Whiz
Critical Analysis
According to the data from the chart above, what is the most common political ideology of Americans today?
According to the data from the chart above, what percentage of Americans identified as moderates in in 1992 and what percent identified as moderates 2021?
Identify one trend you see in the data from the stupid chart above.
Identify one explanation for that trend.
What is one political consequence of this trend?
Using the data from the chart and your knowledge of American government and politics, respond to the following claim: Because of the decrease in moderates over the past 25 years, America’s political divisions have grown greater.
What kind of impact do you think the Biden Administration will have on political ideology in America in the next few years?
How much do you think ideology is impacted by American subgroup demographics (like gender, age, income)?*
Using the data from the chart and your knowledge of American government and politics, respond to the following claim: ideology = party.
How has the ideological makeup of the following groups changed over the past 25 years?*
Visual Extension*
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Learning Extension
Read this Gallup report on American political ideology.
Action Extension
Identify the following ideology you most strongly identify with (liberal, conservative, moderate). List the top three reasons you follow/agree with that ideology. Share your ideology/reasons in class or online. Tally up the most popular ideology in your classroom and note how your classroom is similar or different from the United States.