To Vote or not to Vote
How many states have Same Day Registration (SDR) where citizens can register to vote on election day?
How accurate was your prediction?
What story does the map tell about same-day registration.
List any geographical (where) or demographic patterns (who) the map of same-day registration:
Why do you think most states don’t allow people to register to vote on election day?
What is one consequence of the low level of same-day voter registration?
Do you think that same-day registration increases voter turnout?*
Does your state allow same-day registration?
Who makes decisions about voting such as whether people can register to vote on election day or whether people can vote at home?
What do you think is the best argument for allowing people to register to vote on election day?
What do you think is the best argument for NOT allowing people to register to vote on election day?
The other day my student Bill said, “The last thing we should do is make voting easy for people. People should really want to vote!” How would you respond to Bill’s claim?
Explain how elections are a good example of federalism.
Some states allow same-day voter registration, some states allow their citizens to vote at home (VAH). How do you think Voting at Home impacts voter turnout?*
Voting at Home (VAH) has been proven to increase voter turnout, reduce voter fraud, and save money on elections. Does your state allow Vote at Home?*
How many states have 100% of their citizens Vote at Home (VAH)?*
What do you think is the best argument for allowing people to Vote At Home?
What do you think is the best argument for NOT allowing people to register to Vote At Home?