Job Opportunity

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Critical Analysis

  1. What political office is the best stepping stone to the Presidency?

  2. Which branch of government - executive, legislative, or judicial - is most likely to lead to the presidency?

  3. What is the big story the chart tells?

  4. One Supreme Court Justice has run for president. Who was it and why do you think that happens so infrequently?

  5. According to Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, To qualify for office, Presidents must be 35, a natural born Citizen, and been a U.S. resident for fourteen Years. Do you like these qualifications or would you like them changed in some way?

  6. Besides the constitutional requirements, what are some other general qualifications or background expectations we have for presidents?

  7. Very few outsiders (people who have never held public office) have become president. Why do you think this is?

  8. By far, the majority of presidents held public office before becoming president. Explain whether you think that is good or bad.

  9. More governors have become president than any of the other offices listed in the chart above. Why do you think that is?

  10. What trend do you see in the following list of the offices held by the most recent presidents?

Nixon Governor

Ford House of Representatives/unelected Vice-President

Carter  Governor

Reagan Governor

Bush Sr. Senator/Vice-President

Clinton Governor

Bush Jr. Governor

Obama Senator

Trump Businessperson and Reality TV star

Biden Senator/Vice-President

Learning Extension

Read the FiveThirtyEight piece: Which Offices Are Good Stepping Stones To The Presidency?

Action Extension

President Biden is 79 and would be 82 if reelected president. He may or may not run for reelection. Explain who you think is going to be the next president after Biden in class or online.

Visual Extension


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