Do Political Party Conventions matter?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. This year’s Political Party Conventions just ended. The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) was held in Chicago, IL; and the 2024 Republican National Convention (RNC), in Milwaukee, WI. What percentage of the Democrats said they planned to view the Republican National Convention?

  2. Describe the political party affiliation of the typical viewer of a political party convention.

  3. In the past, the big conventions were gatherings where the party faithful hashed out who would be their nominee. But in the modern primary era, the candidates have (in almost every case) already been determined by the results of primaries and caucuses, and their nomination at the convention is merely a formality. So while delegates from around the country still gather to officialize both their nominee and their parties' policy platforms, the prime-time, televised speeches are essentially campaign events. According to the visual below, what has happened to political party convention viewership over the past few decades?

  4. Based on your knowledge of American politics and the visual above* respond to the following claim: It probably won’t matter where either party holds its 2024 presidential nominating convention, who speaks, or what they say. All that matters is who watches the convention.

  5. Identify the emoji in the visual above that you think is least representative of that city and explain which emoji you would put in its place and which emoji best represents the place where you live!

  6. Some media scholars say that most Americans live in political echo chambers - Democrats watch liberal news sources and Democratic conventions. Republicans watch conservative news sources and Republican conventions. In other words, we live in little media bubbles where we basically just hear what we want to hear (this is known by the fancy political science therm as selective exposure), and don’t listen to many divergent opinions. Based on the visuals above and below, do you think Americans are living in echo chambers?

  7. Why do we have national political party conventions, and what happens at national political conventions anyway?

  8. Now that you have read, internalized, memorized Federalist No. 10, and have become a national expert on James Madison (163 centimeters tall - five foot four inches) and his feelings towards factions, explain what Madison (“Mr. Factions!”) would have thought about party conventions.

  9. If you were the head of the Democratic National Party explain where you would hold the 2028 convention, and if you were the head of the Republican National Party explain where you would hold the 2028 convention. (Pro tip: you’re not).

  10. Based on the visuals above and below*, make a claim about whether conventions actually make an electoral difference.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Did you know that mere mortals like you can attend a national party convention?!?! Contact your favorite political party and ask them what you need to do to attend the 2028 national party convention. You might just be surprised by what you learn. Share their response in class or online.

Get Creative

Tweet the Democratic Party @DNC or the Republican Party @GOP and give them three good reasons to make your favorite city the site of their next national convention. Share their response in class.

Visual Extension*


Learning Extension

Listen to this insane Here and Now report. *Warning: Extremely Graphic language. The following NPR report may not be suitable for all listeners.

AP Government Curriculum Toolkit - 2025-2026 Edition - Yearlong Version

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Access to all our AP Government and Politics YEAR-LONG curriculum in a digital download with all resources in Google Docs

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Curriculum that is completely aligned with the latest version of AP CED (course and exam description) skills and content.

Brand new expanded presidential election voting rights mini-unit

Fantastic lessons, reviews, and exams for every single day of the school year that will help your kids develop the knowledge and skills for success on the U.S. Government AP Exam.

Big question to connect learning across all units 💥

Updated fact sheets and backgrounders for big topics

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inquiry-based learning resources and graphic organizers (with keys) for all of the 9 Foundational Documents like Federalist No. 10 and Letter from Birmingham Jail.

inquiry-based learning resources and graphic organizers (with keys) for all of the 14 Landmark Supreme Court Cases like US v Lopez and Engel v Vitale.

Great graphic organizers

Rigorous and creative unit projects (assignments, rubrics, assessments, and step-by-step guides) to prepare kids for the required AP Government project.

Test-prep tools for success on the AP Government and Politics exam including:

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Exam Pro Tips to help students master the skills needed to attack the multiple choice test section.

A complete AP test bank with downloadable and online versions of 2 full-length exams (55 multiple choice questions, answer key, 4 FRQs and rubrics, each) and all 5 unit tests with multiple choice question and an FRQ for each unit.

Review Sheets for each unit test, including practice questions, vocabulary lists, and teacher keys for all court case and foundational document rubrics.

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