How does education impact voter turnout?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. Based on the visual above, what has happened to the overall voting rate since 1964?

  2. Based on the visual above, what was the voting rate for people with an educational attainment of a bachelors degree or more in 2020?

  3. Based on the visual above, what was the voting rate for people with an educational attainment of less than 9th grade in 2020?

  4. Think about it. If 8th graders (not that you would admit to knowing any) were allowed to vote, what do you predict their voting rate would be?

  5. Based on the visual above, draw one conclusion about the impact of education on voting.

  6. Why do you think that is?

  7. Explain how the disparity in voting rates based on educational attainment impacts the policy our government makes.

  8. Make a claim about what would happen if voting rates based on educational attainment were flipped (i.e., the more educated people voted less, the less educated people voted more).

  9. Based on the visual below, does educational attainment or age have a bigger impact on voting rates?

  10. Based on the data in the visual below about the portion of Americans of the voting-age population who voted in 2020, Make a claim about whether that is good or bad for democracy.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Get educated (18 years). Register to vote online (two minutes). Vote (it depends).

Get Creative

Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that has three lines. It has five syllables in the first and third lines. It has seven syllables in the second line. Its lines don't rhyme. Write a Haiku about education and voting that you can share with older family members.

Learning Extension*

Teacher Toolkit: AP Government & Politics YEAR-LONG + SEMESTER-LONG Curriculum including Lesson Plans, Tests, Projects, Reviews & Other Resources
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Teacher Toolkit: AP Government & Politics YEAR-LONG + SEMESTER-LONG Curriculum including Lesson Plans, Tests, Projects, Reviews & Other Resources

Our 2023-2024 Toolkit includes:

  • Access to all our AP Government and Politics YEAR-LONG + SEMESTER-LONG curriculum in both a digital download and in Google Classrooms

  • A pacing guide and calendar to guide you through both the AP government semester long and yearlong course.

  • A student workbook with all the resources and worksheets for your students to follow along and stay organized in their AP Government course.

  • Fantastic lessons, reviews, and exams for every single day of the school year that will help your kids develop the knowledge and skills for success on the U.S. Government AP Exam.

  • inquiry-based learning resources and graphic organizers (with keys) for all of the 9 Foundational Documents like Federalist No. 10 and Letter from Birmingham Jail.

  • inquiry-based learning resources and graphic organizers (with keys) for all of the 14 Landmark Supreme Court Cases like US v Lopez and Engel v Vitale.

  • Great graphic organizers like our SCOTUS landmark cases brackets, Powers of Congress scavenger hunt and Checks & Balances graphic organizers.

  • Rigorous and creative unit projects (assignments, rubrics, assessments, and step-by-step guides) to prepare kids for the required AP Government project.

  • Test-prep tools for success on the AP Government and Politics exam including:

    • Step-by-step writing workshops to help students practice the skills for each of the four required FRQs, including the updated (as of fall 2023) argument essay.

    • Exam Pro Tips to help students master the skills needed to attack the multiple choice test section.

    • A complete AP test bank with downloadable and online versions of 2 full-length exams (55 multiple choice questions, answer key, 4 FRQs and rubrics, each) and all 5 unit tests with multiple choice question and an FRQ for each unit.

    • Review Sheets for each unit test, including practice questions, vocabulary lists, and teacher keys for all court case and foundational document rubrics.

  • If you have any questions please contact me at


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