Lobby Hoby
Critical Analysis
According to the data from the graph above, what was the total number of lobbyists in 2022?
According to the data from the graph above, how much money was spent by lobbyists in 2022?
Identify one trend in lobbying spending based on the data from the chart above.
Describe one way that that trend affects American politics.
What do lobbyists do anyway?
What group makes the rules about the legality of lobbying, and what is that group’s relationship to lobbyists?
Some lobbyists work for groups like the Red Cross, the Sierra Club, or the National Education Association! Others work for weapon manufacturers, golfers associations (arggggh!!!!), or tobacco companies. Overall, do you think that lobbyists have a positive impact on US politics?
Imagine that lobbying and lobbyists were outlawed. How would the US political system most change because of this?
Based on your knowledge of the American political system, Respond to the following claim: the data from the chart good news. The people with the money to pay for lobbyists are smart and hardworking and they should be able to translate that into political power. Anybody who wants political power can have it if they are willing to work for it.
In Federalist No. 10 James Madison wrote about factions which he warned could undermine the union of the whole. he wrote: “By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.” Based on this quote and your knowledge of Federalist No. 10, what would Madison say about lobbyists and their impact on the union of the whole?
Learning Extension
Watch this crazy video about lobbying. viewer discretion advised.
Action Extension
There are a number of issues where you can take action at the Open Secrets action page:
Take one action and share your results online or in class.