Age and Election 2020

Critical Analysis

  1. With what age group is Donald Trump doing the best versus Biden in the 2020 election?

  2. Why do you think that is?

  3. With what age group is Joe Biden doing the best versus Trump in the 2020 election?

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. What is one trend you see in the data?

  6. What is the best explanation for that trend?

  7. Based on the data, what do you think will happen in the 2020 election?

  8. Is this good news?

  9. How does candidate preference by age match that of people you personally know? (In other words, is this chart basically accurate for your family and friends, by age?)

  10. What information, not included in this chart, would you need to know to make a better prediction about the outcome of the election?

  11. I generally think of the eldest Americans as fairly conservative. Why do you think the very eldest Americans are anti-Trump?

  12. Imagine we ran a repeat of the Trump-Biden election in 10 years. (PLEASE GOD NO!!!!!) Based on the data in the chart, and the trends in candidate preference by age, what would the magical future Biden v. Trump election results look like.

Learning Extension

Check out this interesting explanation from conservative columnist, Ross Douthat of why Generation X (Age 45-55) is sticking with Trump.

Action Extension

I am so nervous about this election! But I have found that the more I do, the less anxious I feel. Yesterday, I spent three hours phone banking (making calls and sending texts) for a local candidate. You can make phone calls from your own home for Trump, Biden, or any candidate or cause you like. You can even call folks, in a non-partisan capacity, and urge them to simply vote. I’m still anxious about the election (aren’t we all) but I feel better now that I’ve done something. You can phone bank for Trump or for Biden or for local candidates or causes you support. Ask your teacher for help getting connected to local campaigns. Share how your volunteering went online or in class! It’ll be November 3rd before you know it!

Visual Extension




Cuban Voters