2020 Voter Turnout
Critical Analysis
What was the estimated voter turnout of the voting-eligible population (VEP) in 2020?
What does voting-eligible population (VEP) even mean?
How does that turnout compare to voter turnout in the past century?
Why do you think voter turnout was so high in 2020?
What was one consequence of such high voter turnout?
Over the long term (the entire history of American voting) what has happened to voter turnout?
In the United States, who is not voting-eligible?
The US Elections Project estimates nearly 67 percent turnout (VEP) — the highest since 1900. Is that good?
How does voter turnout in presidential elections compare to midterm elections?
How do you think voter turnout in the United States compares to other developed countries?
About one third of eligible voters in the United States did NOT vote. Why do you think that is?
How do the demographics of voters compare to non-voters*?
Learning Extension
Look at the data of how voter turnout compares in different states.
Action Extension
The next election will be here sooner than you can imagine. If you are reading this you might just be eligible to vote in the next big election. Register to vote now.
Visual Extension*
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