Income and Voting
February 24, 2020
Jonathan Milner
How much does $ impact the likelihood of voting?
How accurate was your prediction?
What income group is most likely to vote?
What income group is least likely to vote?
What story does the chart tell?
Why do you think that is?
What is the most important consequence of this?
What most surprised you about this data?
Is this data good news?
Describe two policies voters with the highest income would most likely support?
Describe two policies voters with the lowest income would most likely support?
Do you think the wealthier voters are more likely to be Democrats or Republicans?*
Imagine this data were reversed and the poorer people were more likely to vote. What two policies would change as a result of this?
What are two obstacles to voting that lower income people are likely to face?
What is one action the government could take to remove or ameliorate those obstacles?
Imagine that you were a campaign consultant for the Democratic Party . Describe one step you would take based on the data (above and below*).
Imagine that you were a campaign consultant for the Republican Party. Describe one step you would take based on the data (above and below*).
Explain whether politicians are more likely to respond to voters or to non-voters.
Explain how you think the information from the graphs will impact the 2020 campaign and election?
Do the charts (above and below*) on family income and voting do a good job of describing the voting patterns of your family?
How did income impact voter turnout in recent presidential elections?*
Learning Extension
Action Extension
Contact the Trump or Sanders campaign (or any other campaign you think could win) and explain what strategy, based on this data, they should purse to win the 2020 election.
Visual Extension*