Minimum Wage 2022

Critical Analysis

  1. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. According to the data from the map above how many states have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage?

  2. What geographic patterns do you notice in the map of states with higher minimum wages than the national government?

  3. When adjusted for inflation, the 2022 federal minimum wage in the United States is around 40 percent lower than the minimum wage in 1970. Although the real dollar minimum wage in 1970 was only 1.60 U.S. dollars, when expressed in nominal 2022 dollars this increases to 12.04 U.S. dollars. A large difference from the federal minimum wage in 2022 of 7.25 U.S. dollars. What has happened to the nominal minimum wage and to the minimum wage when adjusted for inflation over the past 70 years?*

  4. Who sets the minimum wage at the national level and who sets it at the state level?

  5. Bernie Sanders and other progressive Democrats want to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 and hour. Economists have found that modest raises in the minimum wage does not tend to have negative impacts on overall employment. Explain whether you support raising the national minimum wage.

  6. The federal government allows states to raise their minimum wage above the national minimum wage. Here is an interactive map from the Department of Labor of the minimum wage in each state. Many states, like my own, have passed laws that cities cannot raise their minimum wage above that of the state. Do you think that is a good idea?

  7. What would a yearly salary be on the current $7.25 federal minimum wage (40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, $7.25 an hour)?

  8. Supreme Court Justice and gold-medal winning Olympic gymnast Louis Brandeis,** also known as the "‘Jewish Jefferson” said that the American states were "Laboratories of democracy". What did he mean by that?

  9. It’s been said that because of federalism, Americans can “vote with their feet.” Regarding minimum wage, what does this quote mean?

  10. Robert “Brutus” Yates was concerned that a powerful central government would trample on the rights of states and individuals. In Brutus 1 Yates wrote that the Constitution -which he opposed - would create a federal government that will “possess absolute and uncontrollable power.” Does this map support Yates’ claim.

Learning Extension

Read this tasty article on the U.S. minimum wage from The Upshot!

Action Extension

Download this gorgeous map of the U.S. Find out the minimum wage in your state from this cool minimum wage chart and then write your state minimum wage on your state on the map of the U.S. Add a couple of other states' minimum wages to your map. Mark the states as red (Republican majority legislature) or blue (Democratic majority legislature). Put the map up on a wall in your school. Discuss what you learned from this exercise in class or online.

**Justice Louis Brandeis was NOT an Olympian. Sorry! But he was called the “Jewish Jefferson” by admirers.

Visual Extension*

Statistic: Real and nominal value of the federal minimum wage in the United States from 1938 to 2022 (in 2022 U.S. dollars) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Listen to the mega-hit Minimum Wage by 1990s super group They Might Be Giants.


The cost of voting in America


Foreign Born In the USA