Critical Analysis
How many of Biden’s picks for the Inner Cabinet are female?
How does that compare to Trump’s inner cabinet?
Since the Carter presidency, describe the overall trend in cabinet gender diversity?
Why do you think that is?
What is one consequence of this change?
Washington held his first full cabinet meeting on November 26, 1791, with Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton (10 dollar, founding father), Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph. It was all male and all White all the time! President Biden’s cabinet, like the general population, is half female and half male-a first. Why do you think it has taken 230 years to get here?
This Biden cabinet will be home to a number of historic firsts including the first woman secretary of treasury, the first African American defense secretary, the first openly gay Cabinet member and the first Native American Cabinet secretary. His cabinet will be half White, and half non-White. Cool. Who is your favorite and least favorite Biden Cabinet member?
What rules does Article II, section 2 of the U.S. Constitution lay out regarding a president’s cabinet?
According to Article II, section 2 of the U.S. Constitution what role does the U.S. Senate have regarding the Cabinet and what portion of the Senate does it take to confirm a cabinet position?
The new Senate will have a Democratic majority. Do you imagine that the incoming Senate will approve most of Biden’s nominees?
The last major cabinet rejection was related to John Tower in 1989. Do you think the Democratic majority Senate will reject any major cabinet nominees?
On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Donald Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Twitter. On November 9, 2020 Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper via Tweet. Explain how many cabinet members you think President Biden will fire via tweet?
Learning Extension
Watch this-here Joe Biden Tweet about his Cabinet. Caution Explicit Language!
Action Extension
Contact your U.S. Senators and let them know what you think of the Biden cabinet.
Visual Extension
Watch Biden talk about his cabinet.
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