Incoming POTUS Favorable ratings
Critical Analysis
According to the chart above, how does the favorable rating of the incoming Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration compare to that of the other administrations?
According to the chart above, which incoming president had the highest approval rating?
How does the favorable rating of the incoming president usually compare to that of the incoming vice president?
Why do you think Biden has such a high favorable approval rating?
Explain whether you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden.
What usually happens to approval ratings as a president’s term progresses?
How many of the presidents listed above were rewarded with a second term of office?
Explain how their approval rating impacts a president’s ability to make policy.
Describe the impact the media can have on presidential approval ratings.
How do you think political party affiliation impacts Biden’s approval rating?
According to the chart below* which president had the biggest partisan approval gap?
What do you think President Biden would have to do to win the approval of the 73% of Republicans who do not approve of him?
Explain how Democratic control of the House and the Senate will impact President Biden’s approval ratings.
In what policy area do Americans have the highest expectations for President Biden to be able to make a positive impact?*
Learning Extension
Browse the Gallup polling data about the approval ratings of the incoming Biden administration.
Action Extension
Contact your House Member or Senator and let them know how you want them to work with the Biden Presidency.
Visual Extension*
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and I know it