
Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, how much longer has the U.S fought in the Afghanistan War than it fought in WWII?

  2. According to the data from the chart above, how much older is the Afghanistan War than you?

  3. Why did we invade Afghanistan to begin with and why has the Afghan War lasted so long?

  4. President Biden has announced that 2,500 U.S. troops and another 7,000 from NATO will start returning home from Afghanistan in May, with the full withdrawal set to be completed by August 31, before the 20th anniversary of 9/11. How many U.S. presidents have now presided over the Afghanistan War?

  5. The US invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 to oust the Taliban, whom they said were harboring Osama Bin Laden and other al-Qaeda figures linked to the 9/11 attacks. Over the course of nearly two decades, America's longest war has consumed $2 trillion dollars, cost 110,000 Afghan lives and also resulted in the deaths of 3,500 coalition service members including around 2,400 Americans. If you were to perform a cost benefit analysis of the War in Afghanistan explain whether you think the war was worth the expenditure.

  6. Had the U.S. public been told the costs of the war at the beginning of the war do you think the average American would have authorized the war?

  7. Describe the Article I, Section 8 constitutional powers of the U.S. Congress regarding war and the Article 2, Section 2 constitutional powers of the U.S. President regarding war.

  8. The Constitution has been described as an “invitation to struggle” between the President and Congress over the making of foreign policy. Who are some of the key players in foreign policy making in the U.S. Government?

  9. Regardless of your thoughts about the Afghan war, describe the execution of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and explain how, if you were president, you would plan a successful Afghan withdrawal.

  10. Explain what you believe will be the main long term consequence of U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Learning Extension

Check out the Council on Foreign Relations timeline of the Afghan War, then read the BBC Reality Check analysis of U.S. involvement in the Afghanistan War.

Action Extension

Contact President Biden and let him know your opinion of his withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Visual Extension


American Political Ideology


Demography is destiny