
Critical Analysis

  1. There are 328,200,000 Americans. What portion of all money contributed in American politics between 2009 and 2020 came from the twelve biggest donors?

  2. The $3.4 billion contributed by the top 12 megadonors amounts to 7.5% of the $45 billion that all federal candidates and political groups raised between January 2009 and December 2020. Why do you think those 12 biggest donors contributed so much money?

  3. The 2010 Supreme Court case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission struck down part of the Bipartisan Reform Act of 2002. The Court held that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political communications by corporations and other associations. Make a claim about whether allowing unlimited independent expenditures enhances or diminishes democracy.

  4. What is one consequence of so much money donated by so few?

  5. Of the megadonors who contributed over $3.4 billion— six of whom generally supported Democrats and six of whom generally supported Republicans. Explain whether that division of contribution surprises you.

  6. According to the data from the map below,* from 2009-2020, 1% of Americans gave 20% of all political donations. How much do you think that money influenced American politics?

  7. Do you think there should be limits to how much someone can contribute to elections, campaigns, and candidates?

  8. What the hell is a Super PAC and how does it differ from a (not super) PAC ?

  9. According to the data from the chart below* who gave the most money between 2009-2020?

  10. Does the information from the charts above and below lead you to think of the US as more of a democracy or a plutocracy?

Learning Extension

Read the Issue One Report: 12 megadonors accounted for about $1 of every $13 in federal politics between 2009 and 2020.

Action Extension

Look up the top congressional recipients of PAC money and see if your Representatives or Senators are on the list. Share your results in class or online.

Visual Extension*

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Primary Challenge


Money in the Tank