Gas Money for Politicians

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, does more corporate money go to politicians who support legislation to slow climate change, or to politicians who obstruct legislation aimed to slow climate change?

  2. Identify one trend in corporate donations and climate action based on the data from the chart above.

  3. Why do you think so many corporations give money to politicians who try to stop legislation aimed at slowing climate change?

  4. What is one consequence of so much money going to legislators who actively try to stop legislation aimed at reducing global warming?

  5. According to the 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling, can the federal government limit independent expenditures from corporate run super PACS?

  6. Upon what constitutional amendment is the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission based?

  7. According to the visual below, what politicians have raised the most money from corporations and PACs over the past year?*

  8. According to the visual below, what corporations have spent the most money on politicians over the past year?*

  9. According to the visuals below, in general, does most of that corporate money go to climate obstructionists or climate supporters?

  10. The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientists issued a CODE RED, warning of worsening global warming leading to climate catastrophe, make a claim about whether the U.S. should pass legislation to limit climate change.

Learning Extension

Read the Bloomberg Green report on lobbying and the climate. Then check out this short opinion piece: Worrying About Your Carbon Footprint Is Exactly What Big Oil Wants You to Do.

Action Extension

Contact your federal representatives and let them know your thoughts about the climate.

Visual Extension*

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