Social Studies Lab

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One Vaccination?

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, what state had the highest vaccination rate?

  2. According to the data from the chart above, what state had the largest share of the vote for Biden?

  3. What story does the chart tell about state vaccination rates and share of the vote for 2020 presidential candidates?

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. Explain how these partisan divisions in vaccination attitudes will impact the 2022 midterm elections.

  6. My mother in law turned 80 this week, my mother turns 80 this Sunday. I asked them both about the polio vaccine which became widely available in 1955 and had eradicated the virus by 1979. They both said that everyone was terrified of Polio and immediately jumped at the chance to be vaccinated. Why do you think today, so much of the public is hesitant to get the, equally miraculous COVID-19 vaccine?

  7. What is the COVID-19 vaccination rate for your state?

  8. All 50 states have student vaccine mandates for Polio; Mumps, measles, rubella; and other viruses. Why do you think so many of these same states have refused to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations?

  9. Based on the President’s informal powers, and the formal Presidential powers listed in Article II of the Constitution, what is one step POTUS Biden could take to increase vaccination rates.

  10. The chart below shows that within states* there is even a larger country by county divide in vaccination rates and 2020 presidential election results. Why do you think that is?

Learning Extension

Read the Morning Briefing about vaccination rates and political partisanship.

Action Extension

Because of federalism, state governors also have a lot of power to impact vaccination rates within their states. Contact your Governor and let them know what you think they should do about COVID-19 regulations and mandates.

Visual Extension*