Social Studies Lab

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Where in the world has the POTUS traveled the MOSTUS?

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Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. Based on the visual above, since 2013 what country have American Presidents (Obama, Trump, and Biden) visited the most? (Pro tip: please don’t say: the U.S.)

  2. Based on the visual above, since 2013 what countries have American Presidents (Obama, Trump, and Biden) visited six times or more?

  3. Based on the visual above, describe the types of countries American Presidents visit the most.

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. Based on the visual above, what continents or regions have been visited the least?

  6. A president’s first trip is often used to signal the importance of a strategic alliance. On his trip to the UK in June 2021, Biden reaffirmed the U.S.-UK partnership and committed to close cooperation throughout his presidency. Typically, U.S. presidents visit a close ally on their inaugural trip: Canada was the first international destination for both Obama and Bill Clinton, while Mexico was the first destination for George W. Bush, and Donald Trump’s was to Saudi Arabia. Based on the visual below, what type of reasons have dominated Biden’s travel?

  7. In addition to his foreign travel, Biden hosted 28 heads of government at the White House as of the end of 2022. Foreign leaders come to the U.S. for events including conferences, summits and bilateral meetings. Among those to visit the White House in 2021 and 2022 were then-Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of Sweden, who met with Biden to submit her country’s application for NATO membership; Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who traveled to the White House on his first known wartime trip abroad; and French President Emmanuel Macron, whose trip marked the first state visit of Biden’s presidency. Why do you think Presidents host foreign leaders?

  8. President Joe Biden has traveled internationally less frequently than his last two predecessors did. Biden traveled to 17 places outside the United States in his first two years in office, visiting some more than once. He made six international trips in 2021, all of them to Europe. In 2022, he made 12 trips, including to Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East. And in early 2023, Biden traveled to Mexico for the North American Leaders’ Summit.All told, Biden’s international visit count trails those of former Presidents Donald Trump, who made 23 international trips to 20 places during his first two years in office, and Barack Obama, who made 32 trips to 24 places in the first two years of his presidency. Why do you think Biden has been such an infrequent international traveler?

  9. Based on the visuals above and below, predict where POTUS Biden will travel over the remainder of his first term.

  10. Where do you predict the next President will travel for her or his first international visit?

    Learning Extension

    Read this short run-down of Biden’s presidential travel and listen to this NPR story (below) about what Biden’s Diplomatic trips say about American foreign policy.

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Action Extension

Contact the White House and tell President Biden what you think about his international travel.

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Visual Extension*

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