Social Studies Lab

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How many genders are on U.S. passports?

On April 11th, the State Department introduced a third-gender option on its passports. Besides “F” for “female” and “M” for “male”, citizens can now choose “X”. The State Department says the “X” stands for “unspecified or another gender identity”.

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. According to the data from the map above, how many countries have a third-gender option on their passports?

  2. Third-gender basically means a person who identifies as a gender other than male or female or as neither male nor female. What department of the U.S. government makes decisions about passports and gender?

  3. There has never before been a third-gender option for passports. Before 1976, US passports did not include a sex marker at all, and the International Civil Aviation Authority only developed standardized passport regulations requiring a sex marker in 1980. ”Why do you think the Biden administration added a third-gender option?

  4. In February 2020, Congressman Ro Khanna introduced the Gender Inclusive Passport Act, which would require the State Department to issue “X (unspecified)” passports to those who apply for one based on “self-attestation.” The Bill did not pass the U.S. Senate. On June 30, 2021, the State Department announced that they had begun an effort to add a third gender marker on U.S. passports following a lawsuit by an intersex and nonbinary Colorado resident who argued that it was impossible to get a passport that accurately reflected their gender identity. The change took effect on April 11, with passport application forms on the government's website reflecting the additional choice. Explain how, despite the bill dying in Congress, the State Department can and has issued a gender inclusive passport.

  5. Jessica Stern, America’s special diplomatic envoy for LGBTQI+ rights, hailed the decision as “momentous”. What does a special diplomatic envoy for LGBTQI+ rights do and do you think the Trump administration had a special diplomatic envoy for LGBTQI+ rights?

  6. Imagine that Trump won the 2024 election. Could his administration undo the State Departments Third-Gender Passport?

  7. Based on the data from the map below*, how many states issue drivers licenses or id cards with third-gender options?

  8. Transgender Texans will no longer be able to change the designated sex on their driver's licenses after a recent policy change at the Texas Department of Public Safety instructs employees to no longer accept court orders or amended birth certificates from people seeking to change the gender listed on the document. Other states like Utah have different laws regarding the designated sex on driver’s licenses. How does this difference illustrate the concept of federalism?

  9. Based on the data from the chart below*, how do demographics shape how Americans feel about third gender options?

  10. Gender issues are very divisive in the U.S., in fact, at least 20 states have introduced “Don’t Say Gay” laws within the last year. There is a clear generation gap in American opinion about gender. Based on the fact that younger people (age 18-29) have such positive opinions about non-binary gender options, and older people (age 65+) have such negative opinions about non-binary gender options on forms (see below)*, explain whether gender issues will be be big issues in the presidential election.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Contact the U.S. State Department and tell them what you think about third-gender passports. And you can apply for your own passport right here.

Get Creative

Passports include photographs, place of birth, date of birth, sex, age, and other things. Imagine that you got to get a new passport and you wanted to change your name, age, and address. Who would you be?

Learning Extension

Read this NPR story about the new third-gender passport. Or listen to the story below.

See this content in the original post