Social Studies Lab

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Trump for President 2024?

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, what percentage of adults want Trump to run for president in 2024?

  2. According to the data from the chart above, what percentage of independents want Trump to run for president in 2024?

  3. What is the big story the poll tells?

  4. What most surprised you about the data above?

  5. Based on the data from the poll above, if you were an advisor to the Republican Party what advice would you give the party about the 2024 election?

  6. Explain whether you want Trump to run for president in 2024.

  7. How much do you think his recent legal troubles and the FBI raid on his home (see chart below) have accounted for the opinions from the chart above?

  8. The poll above recounts a margin of error, the date the poll was taken, and the number of people surveyed in the poll. What does that information tell the reader about the reliability of the polling data?

  9. Presidential candidates overwhelmingly win voters from their party. Independent voters (those that do not register as Democrats or Republicans) often determine the outcome of presidential elections. In 2020, Trump lost independents and lost the election. In 2016, Trump won independents and won the election. in 2008, Obama won independents, in 2004 Bush won independents, and in 1996 Clinton won independents. Given the fact that Trump lost independents in 2020 and is losing their support in the above polling data, how do you think Trump will fare with Independent voters if he runs in 2024?

  10. Our 22nd and 24th President Grover Cleveland was the only President to leave the White House and return for a second term four years later (1885-1889 and 1893-1897). Make a claim about whether you think Donald Trump will join Cleveland in being reelected President.

Learning Extension

Listen to the NPR story about the 2024 Trump presidential election polling data.

See this content in the original post

Action Extension

If you will be 18 years old by Tuesday, November 8 then take two minutes and register to vote online. If you are too young to vote this year then find someone who is old enough and convince them to register.

Visual Extension