Starters Jonathan Milner Starters Jonathan Milner

How many states have voted for the same party for the past four presidential elections?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. According to the data from the map above, how many states have voted for the same party in the last four presidential elections?

  2. Why do you think so many states are so consistent in their presidential voting?

  3. Based on the map above, which of the states will probably be most crucial in determining the winner of the next presidential election?

  4. Describe what you imagine this map will look like after the 2024 presidential election.

  5. Explain what living in a purple state does to a voter’s political power relative to living in a dark blue or dark red state.

  6. Explain how the map above influences public policy for the entire nation.

  7. In Federalist No. 68, “The Mode of Electing the President,” Alexander Hamilton wrote that the Electoral College could shield the United States “from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.” Because of the “transient existence” and dispersed makeup of the electors, he argued, hostile countries would find it too expensive and time-consuming to inject “sinister bias” into the process of choosing a president. At the time, the new American leaders feared meddling from Great Britain, their former colonial master, or perhaps from other powers such as France, and they designed a system to minimize the prospect that Europe’s aging monarchies could seize control of their young democracy. Explain whether Hamilton’s plan for the electoral college to shield the U.S. from foreign interference was successful?

  8. 48 out of 50 states use a winner-take-all system to allocate the electoral college votes for their state. If most states did NOT use a winner-take-all approach to the electoral college how would the electoral map be different?

  9. In a democracy, all people are supposed to have equal political value. Based on this map, would you conclude that all Americans have political equality?

  10. Let’s say you were a pro-democracy activist who thought that our current system was undemocratic in giving too much power just a few states. The National Popular Vote Plan is one proposal to increase democracy. Make a claim about whether you support The National Popular Vote Plan.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Based on the past four elections, probably only a few states will determine the winner of the 2024 presidential election. What is your opinion about that? Make a claim and send it as a Letter-to-the-editor to Newspapers in Your State. Most newspapers have a simple procedure for submitting a letter-to-editor.  Letters-to-the-editor are typically 150 to 250 words, depending on the newspaper. Many newspapers also have a separate procedure for submitting longer op-ed's and columns. Here’s a list of the newspapers in your state.

Get Creative

Write an ode to the most wishy-washy state in the union in terms of changing sides in presidential elections.

Learning Extension*

Here is a great story on swing states and below are some great clickable maps of past presidential elections!

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