What trait do Americans hate the most in a presidential candidate?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. What trait has the biggest negative impact on the electability of a presidential candidate?

  2. What two traits have the smallest negative impact on on the electability of a presidential candidate?

  3. What is the biggest surprise in the data?

  4. According to the visual below* describe how political party identification impact the willingness to vote for certain types of candidates.

  5. According to the visual below* since 1958, what types of presidential candidates have most increased their electability?

  6. Are there any traits in this chart that would immediately disqualify a candidate from getting your vote? Go through the characteristics listed above and identify any traits that would stop you from voting for an otherwise qualified candidate from your party.

  7. President Biden is over 80 and Catholic. Donald Trump is over the age of 70 and has been charged with a felony crime. Based only on those traits and characteristics identify the less electable presidential candidate, and explain how the information from the chart above will impact the outcome of the 2024 election.

  8. With so many negative traits why do you think the Republican and Democratic Parties have not found more electable candidates for the upcoming election?

  9. Based on the data from the visual above, create America’s best and worst possible presidential candidate.

  10. Why do you think 5% of Americans still would not vote for a woman for president and describe what you imagine are the demographics of these anti-woman-politician voters.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Share your unelectable candidate in class or online. Have an in-class election between the three most unelectable candidates and share the winner.


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If the 2024 American presidential election were a vehicle, what vehicle would it be?

Learn More*

Read this story from Gallup about what traits count heavily against presidential candidates.


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