History, Daily Social Studies, US Government Jonathan Milner History, Daily Social Studies, US Government Jonathan Milner

How old is the U.S. Constitution?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. How old is the U.S. Constitution?

  2. The United States currently has the world’s oldest and shortest written Constitution. Why do you think that is?

  3. What about the U.S. Constitution allows it to be so long-lasting?

  4. Since the Constitution was ratified, over 11,000 Amendments have been proposed but only 27 have been ratified. (I did the math. That's an average of one amendment every 8.66666666667 years!) What is one consequence of the difficulty of ratifying amendments to the U.S. Constitution?

  5. If we couldn’t amend our Constitution would we still have our Constitution?

  6. Make a claim about whether the amendment process should be more or less difficult.

  7. Explain the connection between the ratification process and federalism:

  8. 55 White men attended the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Only 39 signed it. How does that make you feel about the legitimacy of the Constitution?

  9. The original Constitution did not outlaw slavery and did not allow women to vote. How different do you think the Constitution would be if women and non-Whites had been able to draft it/vote on it?

  10. Celebrate Constitution Day this September 17th by thinking about how you would change the Constitution and the Bill of Rights if you could, then Propose an Amendment to the US Constitution:

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Read about the constitutional amendment process, write a proposal for a new amendment to the constitution, and send it to your congressional representative.

Get Creative

If the U.S. Constitution were a movie character, what character would it be?

Learning Extension


Check out this detailed timeline of the Constitution, visit the National Constitution Center Website, and then try to pass this Bill of Rights Quiz. Share your scores in class or online.

* The Constitution of the United Kingdom is unwritten

* The Constitution of the United Kingdom is unwritten

Quizzical Extension

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