diagnostic, US Government Jonathan Milner diagnostic, US Government Jonathan Milner

What percent of incumbents get reelected to the U.S. House of Representatives?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. In 1968 (a great year) what percentage of House incumbents (the current office holder)* were reelected?

  2. In 2020, 95% of incumbents were reelected to the U.S. House. Since 1964, what was the highest percentage of incumbents* reelected to the U.S. House?

  3. Identify one trend from the data in the chart above?

  4. Describe the two most important causes of this trend.

  5. Explain the most significant consequence of this trend.

  6. Based on this chart alone, make one prediction about incumbent reelection rates in the next election?

  7. Imagine a world where there were no incumbents (in other words, you were not allowed to run for reelection EVER) what would that political system look like and who would it empower?

  8. Let's say that you wanted to take away some of these incumbent advantages, who would have to pass the laws to take away those advantages?

  9. According to the chart below, how do Senate reelection rates compare to House reelection rates*?

  10. Americans hate the Congress but love their congressperson. Explain this paradox of American politics.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Think about incumbents and why they win. Think about the Congressional incumbents who represent you (they could be Senators or members of the House). Do a little research on your own personal incumbent and decide whether you should vote for them or not. If you can vote, vote your conscience. If you can't vote, find someone who can and explain whether they should vote for the incumbent or not.

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Get Creative

If incumbents were a sport team, what team would they be?

Learning Extension*

Check out some of the explanations ThoughtCo has for why incumbents win and win and win or watch the great video on incumbency advantage from Khan Academy. (below)*

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