Social Studies Lab

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Shipping Anyone?

Prediction: What country has the world's busiest shipping port?

  1. How are your Chinese language skills?

  2. What story does the map tell?

  3. What is one cause of Asia's shipping dominance?

  4. What is one consequence of Asia's shipping dominance?

  5. In the 19th century, the majority of the world's busiest ports were in Europe. In the 20th century they were in the US. What does the fact that 7 of the world's top ten shipping ports are in China tell us about the future of the 21st century?

  6. You don't have to ship information, creativity, and design. Does it matter that the busiest US port is only the 16th busiest in the world? 

  7. In the comments section, describe your economic vision of the 21st century in the US: