What traits do Americans most desire in a presidential candidate?
Critical Analysis
Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, and your knowledge of American government and politics.
What trait in an American presidential candidate makes the candidate most likely to get the support of Americans?
What trait in an American presidential candidate makes the candidate least likely to get the support of Americans?
What story does the data in the chart tell?
The data from the table above came before the Trump or Biden presidencies. How do you think the American public’s answer to this question would change based on the past two presidencies?
Are there any traits in this chart that would immediately disqualify a candidate from getting your vote?
Why do you think that longtime Washington experience is the worst trait for a presidential candidate?
Based on the information from this chart, explain who you think will win the 2024 presidential election: Biden or Trump.
Although Biden won the 2020 election, he currently has a historically low 39% approval rating. Do you think that the preferences Americans have for presidential traits explain Biden's exceptionally low presidential approval?
Based on the data above, create the perfect presidential candidate. Describe this candidate by listing three traits that would make them unstoppable:
In the comments section, create the world's worst presidential candidate. Describe this candidate by listing three traits that would make them unelectable:
Learning Extension
Find out even more data on our presidential preferences at the Pew Research Center.
Action Extension
Tweet @POTUS or @realDonaldTrump and explain to them their chances of winning in 2024.
Visual Extension
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