This is Not My Beautiful House

Source: Good from 113th Congress (2013-2015)

435 House Seats

100 Senate Seats

Critical Analysis

  1. Based on the data from the visual above, what political party had the majority of the 535 seats in the 113th Congress?

  2. Roughly half of all Americans are female. What portion of the 113th Congress was female?

  3. What story does this chart tell?

  4. In what way was the 113th Congress demographically least representative of the United States?

  5. Why does Congress not more accurately mirror the US?

  6. What is one consequence of this misrepresentation?

  7. Imagine that the U.S. Congress more demographically mirrored the United States population. Describe one policy change that would occur with a more representative Congress.

  8. Based on the way we elect Senators and House members, explain which chamber is generally more representative of their constituents.

  9. Who benefits the most from this demographically unrepresentative congress?

  10. This data is from the 113th congress. How do you think this information was different in the 1st Congress and how will it be different in the 120th Congress?

Team Extension

Learning Extension

Check out this Guardian interactive to find out how much Congress looks like you

Action Extension

Investigate how your own U.S. House Representative does and does not mirror the demographics of their constituents. Contact your U.S. Representative and share your findings.

Visual Extension


What traits do Americans most desire in a presidential candidate?


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