In which four countries is Netflix not available?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, your big brain, the information provided and any links below:

  1. Identify the four countries where Netflix is not currently available.

  2. Describe the relationship between these four countries and the government of the United States of America.

  3. On January 6, 2016, Netflix announced a major international expansion into 130 new territories, promoting its service as available nearly "worldwide", with the only notable exclusions including Mainland China, and regions subject to U.S. sanctions, such as Crimea (a part of Ukraine that is now occupied by Russia), North Korea, Russia and Syria. Make a claim about why Netflix is not available in those three countries?

  4. Explain how the U.S. government can influence a private company like Netflix’s business practices outside of the United States.

  5. How does Netflix’s ubiquity (almost universal availability) impact the world culturally and politically?

  6. Is there a better example of globalization (the universal spread of ideas and culture) than Netflix?

  7. Imagine a scenario in which Netflix suddenly arrived in North Korea. How would the arrival of Netflix impact the power of authoritarian rule?

  8. If you were Kim Jong-un, the authoritarian leader of North Korea, what Netflix show would you be most afraid of?

  9. Technology changes quickly and globally. Netflix did NOT exist 20 years ago. Today it is worth over $174.87 billion. Explain whether you think Netflix will still exist 10 years from now.

  10. A student recently argued that Netflix is just a movie streaming platform and is in no way political. respond to that claim with a claim of your own.

Learning Extension

Read the entire list of Netflix countries.

Action Extension

Contact Netflix Customer service: 1 (866) 579-7172 and ask to speak to CEO Reed Hastings. Ask him to let me stream House of Cards for my class for free and ask him why Netflix is not in North Korea, China, and Syria:


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