Social Studies Lab

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In 1900, how much time did the average American household spend on housework(cooking, cleaning, laundry) every week?


  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about the number of hours worked each week?

  3. What story does the chart on the number of housework working hours per week in the US tell?

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. What is one consequence of this?

  6. How do you think the information from the chart has most impacted the US political system?

  7. Is this good news?

  8. "The rise of machines empowered women." Explain whether you agree with this statement or not:

  9. What are some groups of Americans that were most impacted by the information from the charts?

  10. What do you imagine the number of hours spent on housework will be in 20 more years?

  11. Before August 18, 1920 and the passage of the 19th Amendment women could not vote in the U.S. Women now make up over 53% of all voters in America. Do you think there is any relationship between the rise in machines and of women's political power?

  12. Which of the machines in the top portion of the chart do you think did the most to reduce housework?

  13. I have a friend who lives without running water, electricity, or refrigeration. Which of the machines in the top portion of the chart would you least want to live without?

Learning Extension

Check out the interactive version of the chart above with the share of US household with basic appliances, where, for example, you will find that in 1960, only 20% of American households had water heaters.

Action Extension

Complete the following Appliance Ranking and share your results with class.