Presidential Election Poll Dance

Right now the polls are showing Hillary Clinton with a 7 point advantage over Trump. How accurate are October poll averages at predicting the outcome of elections?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this chart?

  3. What is the big story this chart tells?

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. Based on this chart and what you know about the American political process, what prediction would you make on this year's presidential election outcome?

  6. Has the winner of the election ever been incorrectly predicted by the polling average?

  7. What year were the polls most wrong?

  8. What year were the polls most right?

  9. Which party has won the most presidential elections since 1952?

  10. Why do you think Clinton is winning in the polls?

  11. Trump is saying that despite all evidence, the polls are wrong and that he is actually winning. Why do you think he is doing this and what could be a consequence of this strategy?

Learning Extension

Check out the FiveThirtyEight story about the likelihood of a Trump Comeback.

Action Extension

Hold a mock election at your school or in a classroom and share your results with class.


Repeal The 19th Amendment?


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