Repeal The 19th Amendment?

What would the outcome of the 2016 election look like if men couldn't vote?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this map?

  3. How does this map make you feel?

  4. In 2012, Obama had a +8% gender gap lead over Romney. Right now, Clinton has a +15% gender gap lead over Trump. Why do you think women are more likely to vote for Clinton than Trump?

  5. What is a consequence of this gender gap?

  6. What is the big story this map tells?

  7. In the 2008 and 2012 election, 53% of all voters were female. What percent of all voters do you think will be women in 2016?

  8. Ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote. A popular hashtag on Twitter supports #Repealthe19th Do you agree that the 19th Amendment should be repealed?

  9. What would the process for repealing the 19th Amendment look like?

  10. Do you think that the 19th Amendment will probably be repealed before the November 8th election?

  11. What would the 2016 election look like if women couldn't vote?

Learning Extension

Watch this FIVETHRITYEIGHT video about demographics and the 2016 election.

Action Extension

Contact your House Representative and ask them if they support repealing the 19th Amendment.

Bonus Map


Legitimacy Ya Later!


Presidential Election Poll Dance