Social Studies Lab

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Melting Pot?

What is the ancestry with the largest population where you live?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this information?

  3. According to the map, What is the most homogeneous part of the nation?

  4. What story does this map tell?

  5. What is one factor to explain the ancestry with the largest population where you live:

  6. Do you believe this is a happy story or a sad story?

  7. How do you imagine this map looked different 50 years ago?

  8. What do you imagine this map will look like in 50 more years?

  9. How do you imagine this map affected the 2016 presidential elections?

  10. What do you think the average Donald J Trump voter would say about this map?

  11. In the comments section, explain what this map tells you about the idea that America is a melting pot:

Learning Extension

Browse more of the maps as Vox tells the story of immigration through maps:

Action Extension

Contact the Republican Party or the Democratic Party and, based on the data in the map, explain to them what electoral strategy they should adopt.