Religious States

Critical Analysis

  1. What is the most religious state in America?

  2. What geographical patterns or distinctions do you see in the map?

  3. Why do you think some regions of the United States are more religious than others?

  4. What is one consequence (bad, good, or other) of this diversity of religiosity?

  5. How did American religion impact the 2020 presidential election?

  6. Describe one policy difference between a highly religious state and a state with low levels of religiosity?

  7. How do you think the U.S. as a whole compares to other advanced countries in terms of religiosity?

  8. Considering the religious diversity of the United States, how does federalism help to unite the states?

  9. How different do you think this map will look in 20 years?

  10. How do you think religiosity and party affiliation and the 2020 election results of the various states compare?*

  11. Explain whether you would consider our religious diversity a national strength.

  12. Do you generally agree with how your state was rated on this map?

Learning Extension

Read the entire Pew Report on Religion in American states, and check out their interactive page where you can plug in your own state to see how they compare.

Action Extension

Find a law or regulation in your state that you can clearly connect to your state's level of religiosity. Share the law with class.

Visual Extension*

Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 9.00.34 AM.png
Screenshot_2020-11-06 Most and least religious U S states.png

Purple Country Majesty


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