How much $$$ have we spent on Ukraine?

Critical Analysis

  1. The United States has appropriated approximately $115 billion in emergency funding to support Ukraine since February 24, 2022. This aid provides money for Ukraine, American partners in regions affected by the conflict, and US national security programs. According to the data from the visual above, how much total U.S. spending will go to Ukraine in 2023?

  2. According to the data from the visual above, what was the gross gaming revenue from legal sports betting in the U.S. in 2022?

  3. Describe the trend in Ukraine spending since the start of the war in 2022.

  4. Here’s another way to think of it: the federal government spent $6.48 trillion last fiscal year, meaning the money spent on Ukraine today would be equivalent to approximately 2% of the US budget. Scroll through the 2022 U.S. Budget (see visual below) and identify other spending equivalent to that for Ukraine.

  5. Make a claim about whether the U.S. should provide this level of assistance to another country.

  6. Military assistance comes in the form of equipment and weaponry. The Defense Department maintains a comprehensive list of supplies sent to Ukraine, which it regularly updates. Make a claim about how sending these military supplies to Ukraine will impact American security.

  7. In 2022, the US appropriated nearly $55 billion in foreign aid towards supporting Ukraine during Russia’s war. These funds were from the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 and the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 which provide $13.6 and $41.6 billion in emergency funding, respectively. President Biden signed the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023, last September and the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 last December, providing an additional $12.3 and $47.4 billion in emergency funding, respectively. How does this spending illustrate the concept of checks and balances?

  8. Ukraine spending was not a huge part of the 2022 midterm elections, and American voters never directly voted to spend money on Ukraine. As the United States ramps up military aid to Ukraine, the share of Americans who say the U.S. is providing too much support has grown. About a quarter (26%) now say the U.S. is providing too much support to Ukraine, while 31% say it is giving the right amount and 20% would like to see the U.S. give Ukraine additional assistance. Explain how long you believe Americans will continue supporting the level of Ukraine spending as outlined in the visuals above and below*.

  9. Explain whether Ukraine spending will be a big issue in the 2024 presidential election?

  10. Some experts have described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as the start of WWIII. Others see it as the beginning of another Cold War (the open yet restricted rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. The Cold War was waged on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and had only limited recourse to weapons.) Predict whether U.S. involvement in Ukraine will lead to a hot war with U.S. troops fighting Russians.

Learning Extension

Learn all about U.S. spending in Ukraine with these pretty visuals.

Action Extension

Contact The White House or call The White House Comments line at 202-456-1111 to share your opinion about U.S. support for Ukraine.

Visual Extension*

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