Rich Congress, Poor Democracy

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Critical Analysis

  1. What is the big story this data tells?

  2. What is one consequence of such a disparity in wealth between congress and the average American?

  3. What are three hurdles to winning a congressional election for candidates with a lower socioeconomic background?

  4. How do you think the wealth of Congress impacts the policy that Congress makes? 

  5. The net worth of the average American is $68,828. Why do you think that is so much lower than Congress?

  6. What do you think the net worth of the average Congressperson and of the average American was 50 years ago?

  7. Why do you think the Senate is so much wealthier than the house?*

  8. What do you think the Framers (all white, all male, almost all rich - George Washington was, at the time, the richest person in America) would have thought about the disparity between the wealth of Americans and their congress?

  9. How do your Senators and Representatives stack up on the wealth list?

  10. Here is an argument: The American Dream is to be wealthy. Congress is made up of people who have fulfilled the American dream. The winners should be the leaders. Why would we elect poor people (the ones who have lost)? React to this argument:

Learning Extension

Watch this video on the richest members of the 115th Congress. And here are some cool charts from Congressional Quarterly about Congressional wealth, including this one where the members of Congress are ranked by wealth.

Action Extension

Share the congressional wealth chart on social media asking friends to comment. Share the best comments in class or online.

Visual Extension

AP US Government and Politics

AP US Government and Politics

Statistic: Median wealth in the U.S. Congress from 2008 to 2018, by chamber (in million U.S. dollars) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

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