Free College Tuition

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, do more American support or oppose free college tuition for all American students?

  2. What demographic group most supports free college tuition for all American students?

  3. What demographic group most opposes free college tuition for all American students?

  4. Make two generalizations about the impact of demographic on support for free college tuition for all American students?

  5. Why do you think that is?

  6. Based on what you know about democracy and the American political system, explain how something that is supported by almost 2/3 of Americans is not American policy.

  7. Describe two methods President Biden could use to try to make college education free for all Americans.

  8. Describe two ways a US Senator opposed to free education could stop it from becoming US policy.

  9. The average cost of attendance at any 4-year institution is $25,362. Explain whether you think free us college tuition should be policy?

  10. How would a law that made college tuition free for all Americans impact your life?

Learning Extension

Read the entire Pew Research Report on American public opinion about free college tuition.

Action Extension

Think about how you could be most efficacious in shaping policy on free college tuition for all Americans. Contact the President, your U.S. Senators, U.S. House member, or your state Governor (or whoever you think could most impact this policy) and let them know what you think about free college tuition for all Americans.

Visual Extension


Border Wars


Rich Congress, Poor Democracy