Guns don't kill gun laws, the NRA does
AP US Government and Politics
What portion of Americans want stricter laws on gun sales?
How accurate was your prediction?
Describe one trend you see in the data.
Explain one cause of that trend.
Explain one consequence of that trend.
Is this data good news?
How do you think the #enough movement that has sprung out of the Parkland, Florida shooting will impact this trend?
67% of Americans want stricter gun laws. Do you believe they will get stricter gun laws?
Passing legislation is hard to do. What are two places in the legislative process where proposed gun legislation could potentially be killed.
How would you answer the survey?
Over 2/3 of Americans want gun policy they have not gotten. Explain what this says about the level of democracy in our political system.
Imagine that the Congress passed legislation making stricter gun laws. In response to that legislation, what role might the US Supreme Court play?
4% of Americans want our gun laws less strict. Seriously? How could our laws be less strict? What specific regulation do you imagine these folks want overturned?
If a citizen was in favor of stricter gun laws, what are the two most politically efficacious steps citizens could take?
Describe how party affiliation impacts opinion on gun legislation?*
How do you think guns/gun control ranks as the most important issue in America?*
How would you rank the most important issues in America?