Public Opinion On Ukraine and Russia

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the chart above, what percent of Americans currently see the military power of Russia as a critical threat to vital U.S. interests?

  2. Based on the data from the chart above, describe the change between 2004 and 2022 in the percent of Americans who see the military power of Russia as a critical threat to vital U.S. interests.

  3. What do you think accounts for that change?

  4. Explain whether you think the military power of Russia is a critical threat to vital U.S. interests?

  5. As you know, NATO is a military alliance of European nations, Canada, and the U.S. that was formed after WWII to counter the power of the Soviet Union. Based on the data from chart below*, describe the American partisan divide in support for NATO.

  6. Some analysts believe that a war with Russia may be the only thing left that could actually unite the American people. Then again, President Trump recently said this about Vladimir Putin, "I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine -- of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful." Then, in a speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference last weekend, Trump, again, repeated his praise of Putin. "Yesterday reporters asked me if I thought President Putin was smart," he said. "I said, 'Of course, he's smart,' to which I was greeted with 'Oh, that's such a terrible thing to say.'" I like to tell them, 'Yes, he's smart.'" Explain whether you think the Russian invasion of Ukraine will unite Americans against Putin.

  7. In one week, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has cost thousands of lives, sent over 1 million Ukrainians fleeing, and ruined the economy of two nations. Explain whether you believe the war in Ukraine will escalate, stay the same, or de-escalate?

  8. The Washington Treaty, signed in 1949, set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which started with 12 members and now has 30. Article 5 of the treaty states, "The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all." Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but NATO members are supplying arms and intelligence to Ukraine. Do you think the war in Ukraine will spill beyond the borders with Ukraine and eventually involve NATO?

  9. According to the U.S. Constitution What specific military powers does the POTUS have?

  10. On January 27, 1973 as the Vietnam War drew to a close, the Selective Service announced that there would be no further draft. A student named Nikita said, “they are going to bring the draft back any day and we are all going to fight in Ukraine” How would you respond to Nikita’s statement?

Learning Extension

Learn more about the war in Ukraine from the BBC.

Action Extension

Contact your government and let them know what you think about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Money in the Tank


Fleeing Ukraine