116th Congress

Critical Analysis

  1. How many Millennials are in the 116th House of Representatives?

  2. Why do you think the Congress is (overall) so old and so much older than America?

  3. What is one political consequence of the fact that Congress is (overall) so old and so much older than America?

  4. How do you think their overall age impacts Congress’ approach to dealing with climate change.

  5. Explain whether you think the fact that Congress is older than America is a good or bad thing.

  6. In addition to age, these interactive 116th Congress graphics, include demographics on sexual orientation, race, gender and party of the 116th Congress. Which of these areas was most surprising?

  7. The youngest ever female member of the House of Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was just elected to the 116th congress at age 29. The youngest member of the U.S. Senate, Tom Cotton, is 37. Why do you think the youngest Senator is so much older than the youngest Representative?

  8. There will be more women, women of color, openly LGBT members, and millennials serving in the House than ever before. Explain whether this is a good or a bad thing.

  9. Imagine that the number of Baby Boomers in the House was 26, and the number of millennials in the House was 234 (completely switched). How would that impact legislation in Congress?

  10. Why do you think they call the House of Representatives, “The People’s House”?

  11. How different do you think these percentages would be in the US Senate?

  12. What is the first year you could legally be elected to the House (must be 25) and the Senate (must be 30)?

Learning Extension

Read 12 Records the 2018 Elections Smashed

Action Extension

Most older members of Congress are just adjusting to email! Young members like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley not only have Twitter feeds, they are known to interact with people who tweet them. Tweet one of these new members of Congress and ask them how they are going to represent your generation.

Visual Extension

Check out all these interactive 116th Congress graphics.

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