Poll Position

Critical Analysis

  1. Which candidate has stronger support from their own party?

  2. Which of the groups listed in the poll have majority support for Trump?

  3. What is the big story the polling data tells?

  4. Why do you think that is and what is one political consequence of this story?

  5. It is possible to draw some conclusions from this poll. What information is not included in this poll that would be helpful in predicting a winner in the upcoming election?

  6. What are some other groups you would be interested in knowing which candidate they support?

  7. Biden is leading Trump by 8% in the national polling. Explain how, even if Biden wins the national vote by 8% he could still lose the election.

  8. Besides members of his own party affiliation, which group listed in the poll show the strongest support for Biden and which for Trump?

  9. Donald Trump paid $750 in taxes in 2017. The opinion of which group from the polling data will be most likely to change based on that tax revelation.

  10. Why do you think Trump is losing so badly?*

  11. What is some information you would need to know about how the poll was conducted in order to determine its accuracy and reliability?

  12. The "gender gap" refers to differences between women and men in political attitudes and voting choices. Men typically support Republican presidential candidates, women, Democrats Why do you think men are evenly split between Biden and Trump and what does this split foretell about the election?

Learning Extension

Check out all the fascingating polling data from the New York Times/Siena College Poll.

Action Extension

Take 2 minutes to register to vote. Or, if you are too young, convince someone who is old enough to register to vote. Then vote like the mail depends on it.

Visual Extension*

Screenshot_2020-09-28 Voters Believe Winner of Election Should Fill Court Vacancy, Poll Shows(2).png



116th Congress